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A determined mum with solutions

Let me tell you something, behind every innovative baby product, baby momma website, or motherhood-related brand, there is a superhero multi-tasking mom who has found a great solution to a commonly faced problem. So don’t ever get fooled by dirty hair, wrinkled clothes, and sleep-deprived eyes, because moms are not only here raising tiny humans to be happy but also making the journey easy for other mothers too.

The founder of Senstory is also a very similar mother. The whole idea behind this platform is to help other moms make mindful and educated decisions while choosing the product they use for their babies and themselves. The market is full of promising brands that claim to be “safe” and “clean” but have questionable ingredients. Learning to understand these ingredients and know what is good for you and your little one is necessary.

Grace has decided to help other Malaysian moms, like her, through their journey of motherhood by creating a space where they get the opportunity to choose the safest, cleanest products on the market for their babies and themselves. She has first-hand experience with the frustration of using expensive products with elaborate promises but to no avail. So now she is on the mission to save others from the same trouble.

Let’s hear it from the momma herself

“When I was in my twenties, I was diagnosed with eczema, and I’ve tried to cure it with medication but the result was not lasting. In my frustration, I started to research the cause and I quickly learned that products in our lives stand an important role in determining not only our skin condition but also our health. And that, we ourselves are the best judge on determining what we would allow on our body – instead of the law or system. Now after having a beautiful baby of my own, I want only the best quality products for my lil one and me. So I am using my researching skills to not only find the cleanest products but to write advice-driven articles based on these findings so other moms can also make use of this knowledge. And together we can create a community of consumer advocates and green beauty fangirls.”

But it gets better! She not only posts her research findings but also has made products that she found clean and safe available on her website to provide easy access to all Malaysian mamas. So it is not only a one-stop online shop with valuable knowledge but also a quick guide for new moms to help figure their way around motherhood.

Behind The Name

The name is a true reflection of what Senstory stands for. It is derived from a combination of sensory story, that is the senses of your body and their journey on experiencing change.

Your body goes through a lot of changes especially during pregnancy and after entering motherhood. These changes are reflective in your 5 key senses (smell, sound, sight, touch, and taste). At such a sensitive time whatever product you use can affect your sensory journey and Senstroy is here to help you be mindful of the ingredients in your products. So whatever you use for your body has only the best to offer.

It’s the same with babies, at such a delicate age they explore the world through these senses. So as mothers it’s crucial for you to allow your munchkins to explore their own sensory journeys free of toxins and hazardous toys or products.

The goal of Senstory is to give the best support to moms and babies, allowing you to enjoy the journey to the fullest. We make sure that every brand and product featured at Senstory is loved by our team and our babies!


Senstory is not just your regular baby online shop. Their focus is to help you understand what is in your products and what you should buy by sharing key findings. We have a stringent research process to screen and find the right brands and products to collaborate with.


We compile brands available in the market


We conduct thorough research on the quality of the ingredients present in these products.

Share Insight

We compile all the key findings and share them with you to help you make informed decisions.


Reach out to collaborate with brands that stand out among all.


Placing these good quality brands on Senstory so you can easily access them.

What’s more?

Motherhood is not a 2-year degree. A 101 guide cannot teach you to be a mom. It is a whole journey, and you learn through experience. But what can make this journey easier is advice from the community of mothers that have been through it.

This is what Senstory strives to give you. It is more than just an online baby-momma store. It’s a safe space for Malaysian mamas to come together, share tips, support one another, seek advice, and learn from each other’s experiences.

It is a place where you can learn the basics of being a mama. They offer expert guidelines on and tips on common issues faced by first-time mama’s so they are well-informed and prepared for the wonderful journey ahead.

1% for More

There’s nothing more beautiful than nurturing new life, but sometimes we do need a little more than moral support through this journey. We’ve found the 1% for More campaign to help mothers in need by humbly donating 1% of our monthly revenue and purchasing necessities. These include breast pumps, cots, baby fencing, and more. Mamas can then use these for as long as they need and then return them so we can pass them down to the next mama and create a help chain!